by PDPeterka | Feb 23, 2017 | CNC Machining, manufacturing
At PD Peterka, we talk a lot about the kinds of CNC machining projects we’ve worked on in the past and the ease of working with a CNC machine shop as an outsource manufacturer. However, not all of our readers know what kinds of products and prototypes are even...
by PDPeterka | Sep 12, 2016 | CNC Machining, outsource manufacturing
Outsourcing your parts machining to another manufacturer can seem like a serious leap of faith at first, especially when you’re used to controlling the product from start to finish. However, letting fear curtail innovation and the push to build a leaner, more...
by PDPeterka | Mar 23, 2016 | CNC Machining
CNC Turning Center: Hyundai-WIA L2100SY. Improving efficiency offerings. The mission at PD Peterka is to make outsourcing the comfortable choice for you. In order to do this, keeping up to date with the most innovative technology and CNC Turning center machines is...